SAB Events

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Check out the NCSSM Activities Calendar to keep up with what's happening around campus!

Friday Fun Day

Join SAB for fun and games on Friday afternoons at 4:30pm! Some of our most popular Friday Fun Day activities include grocery bingo, giant Twister, karaoke, and board games.

SAB Meetings

Every other Thursday at 8:00pm, the Student Activities Board meets in the Student Center to brainstorm activities for the semester, plan major events, and to hang out! Whether it's your first meeting or your fifteenth, EVERYONE is welcome!

Trivia in the Courtyard

Join us in the ETC Courtyard for trivia! Invite your friends and hallmates to form a team or compete as an individual. We’ll have prizes and you could take home one of the coveted SAB trophies. Keep an eye out for guest hosts (you could be one!) and the occasional faculty/staff team. It’s always a good time.

Halloween Dance

You wouldn't believe some of the costumes we see. Good thing there's a costume contest at 10:00pm to recognize that... creativity! 

Winter Semi-Formal Dance

Sequins, bow ties, dress shoes, a nice dressy event to close out the calendar year!

The Final Happy Half

AKA "Sad Half." Lots of group hugs and yearbook signing, along with a few goodbye tears and the SAB End of Year Playlist.